Reference Type: Journal Article Record Number: 1 Author: Machowski, A. and Tylek, I. Year: 2011 Title: Random equivalent initial bow and tilt in steel frame Journal: Advanced Steel Construction Volume: 8 Issue: 4 Pages: 15 Start Page: 383 Short Title: Random equivalent initial bow and tilt in steel frame DOI: 10.18057/IJASC.2012.8.4.5 Keywords: Multistory steel frame, Random equivalent geometrical imperfection, Eurocode 3 Abstract: Probabilistic models of equivalent geometrical imperfections suitable to analysis of steel buildings frames are under consideration. Statistically based models of equivalent imperfections, besides of application in structural reliability analysis, should be taken as basis of verification of equivalent imperfection formulas and rules of introducing imperfections into frame calculations proposed in different Standards. Column random equivalent initial bow was obtained in this paper utilizing randomization of buckling coefficient in well-known deterministic formula of equivalent initial bow. Problem of random equivalent initial tilt of frame was considered for spatial mechanical model of skeletal structure, braced by rigid floor disks, using results of existing buildings geodesic measurements statistical analysis. In the paper assessment of random initial tilts and initial bows joint effect is commented. Author Address: Assist. Prof. Ph. D., Faculty of Civil Engineering, Cracow University of Technology, ul. Warszawska 24, 31-155 Cracow, Poland