Advanced Steel Construction

Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 95-111 (2012)




Feng Yu 1,*, Shuanhai He 2 and Ditao Niu 3

1 Associate professor, School of Civil Engineering, Anhui University of Technology, China

2 Institute of highway, Chang’an University, China

3 College of Civil Engineering, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, China

*(Corresponding author: E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Received: 11 July 2011; Revised: 26 August 2011; Accepted: 23 September 2011




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This paper summarizes the calculating methods of the bearing capacity of rectangular concrete-filled steel tubular columns(CFT) subjected to axial compression, and then points out the deficiency of the existing calculation methods of the bearing capacity. Based on the analysis of the experimental data, the concept of the effective confinement of rectangular CFT columns are introduced. The effects of the cross-sectional aspect ratios, the strength of in-filled concrete, the thickness of steel tube, the equivalent confining coefficient and the longitudinal stiffener on the bearing capacity are carefully considered, and the unified model of the bearing capacity of rectangular CFT columns are presented. The model may be applicable to calculate the bearing capacity of the normal strength concrete filled steel tubular column, the high-strength concrete-filled steel tubular column, the concrete filled thin-walled steel tubular column and concrete-filled stiffened thin-walled steel tubular column. The predictions of the model agree well with large experimental results. Comparisons are also made with predicted column bearing capacity using the existing design codes.



Concrete-filled steel tube, Bearing capacity, Effective confinement, Short column, Axial compression


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