Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 242-255 (2012)
Yasser Sharifi
Department of Civil Engineering
Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Rafsanjan, Iran
*(Corresponding author: E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Received: 3 June 2011; Revised: 7 August 2011; Accepted: 11 August 2011
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Corrosion is one of the most pervasive types of structural problem experienced by steel girder structures especially in corrosive environments. Each of the damage modes, if not properly monitored and rectified, can potentially lead to catastrophic failure or unanticipated out-of-service time. The purpose of this paper is to propose a simple methodology to assess the residual strength capacity of steel girders under the degradations of corrosion. Two credible models have been developed for corrosion damaged steel I-beams based on the actual thickness loss data which come from the already literatures. Finally, to show the application of the proposed methodology, the residual web bearing capacity of corroded steel beams was estimated. It was found that it is possible to establish the applicable diagrams and flowchart which demonstrate the residual web bearing capacity assessment of steel I-beams as those ages.
Corrosion, Steel structures, Web bearing capacity, Corrosion damaged models, Thickness loss data
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