Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 59-83 (2008)
W. Wuwer 1
1 Associate Professor, D.Sc., PhD. Eng., Faculty of Civil Engineering,
Department of Building Structures, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
* (Corresponding author: E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Received: 12 March 2007; Revised: 2 May 2007; Accepted: 3 August 2007
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The paper presents the results of checking experimentally the way of calculating an m-bolt single-cut joint with blind-bolts, dealt with by Wuwer [1, 2]. The method of calculating any arbitrary lap-joint was checked there by testing symmetrical five-blind-bolt and eight-blind-bolt joints of cold-bent profiles, the walls of which were 5.0 mm thick, respectively: stretched eccentrically and alternately bent. The present report, however, deals with the results of investigations on test elements with asymmetrical four-blind-bolt joints of walls, 4.0 mm thick, which were simultaneously subjected to bending and shearing. In all the three kinds of joints single-cut blind bolts type BOM-Rl6-4 were used [3]. Loads increasing proportionally until the destruction of the joint, were reiterated cyclically on stabilized levels. The set of equations describing the static behaviour of a joint was solved numerically, and the results were compared with the results of experimental investigations. For the bolt subjected to the highest effort in the 4-blind-bolt joint boundary curves of the load-carrying capacity were plotted for three cases of boundary states I, II and III. Moreover, the boundary curve of the load-carrying capacity was determined for the boundary state I. Basing on the example of a frame with flexible joints attempts have been made as well to assess the influence of interactive connections between three rigidities in a lap-joint, combined with a rotation and two shifts (perpendicular to each other) between the joined walls of sheet-metal sections. Each of the three instantaneous rigidities has been expressed by the coefficient of rigidity reduction and the parameter of rigidity degradation, depending on the quantities acting in the joint of the loads M, Vand H.
sheet-metal section; single-cut joint; instantaneous centre of rotation; rotational friction; boundary curve of the load-carrying capacity; instantaneous rigidity; coefficient of rigidity reduction; rigidity degradation
[1] Wuwer, W., “Investigations and Calculation of Lap Joints with Special Blind Bolts”, Polish Academy of Sciences, Archives of Civil Engineering, Volume LI, Issue 2. Warszawa, 2005, pp. 253÷280.
[2] Wuwer, W., “Flexible Joints with Blind Bolts in Thin-walled Bar Constructions”, Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Śląskiej Nr 1710 (z. 105), (Scientific Fascicles of the Silesian University of Technology). Gliwice, Poland, 2006.
[3] Technical Certificate of the Institute of Civil Engineering No. AT-15-3487/99, Bolts produced by Huck, 1999.
[4] Wuwer, W, The Effort of An Asymmetric Joint with Blind-bolts of Sheet-metal Sections. Proceedings of XITH International Conference on Metal Structures “Progress in Steel, Composite and Aluminium Structures”, (ICMS-2006). Rzeszow, Poland, 2006, pp. 190÷191.
[5] Wuwer, W., Walentynski, R., “Interaction Relations in the Model of the Lap Joints of Thin-walled Structure under Complex Load State”, Proceedings of International Colloquium of IASS Polish Chapter: Lightweight Structures in Civil Engineering, Warszawa, Poland, 2005, pp. 239÷246.
[6] Recommendations for Steel Construction, ECCS-TC7, The Design and Testing of Connections in Steel Sheeting and Sections. Constrado, No. 21, 1990.
[7] Dietrich, M., “Introduction to the Stochastic Theory of Machines”, PWN (National Scientific Editors), Warszawa, Poland, 1972.
[8] Wuwer, W., Kowolik, B., “The Rigidity of Flexible Lap-joints Subjected to Complex Loads”, Proceedings of XITH International Conference on Metal Structures, “Progress in Steel, Composite and Aluminium Structures”, (ICMS-2006), Rzeszów, Poland, 2006, pp. 192÷193.
[9] User manual, Robot Millennium, v.15, 2002.
[10] PN-B-03207, Steel Structures, Constructions of Section and Cold-formed Sheet-metal. Design and realization (Polish standard).
[11] Wuwer, W., Kowolik, B., “Frames of Thin-walled Sections with Flexible Nodes” (in Polish), Proceedings of 7th Symposium of the Cycle: New Achievements in Science and Technology in Civil Engineering. Rzeszów, Poland, 2005, pp. 355÷366.