Advanced Steel Construction

Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 157-172 (2011)




M. A. Köroğlu 1, *, A. Köken 1, M. H. Arslan 1 and A. Çevik 2

1 Department of Civil Engineering, Selcuk University, 42075 Konya/TURKEY

2 Department of Civil Engineering, University Of Gaziantep, 27310/TURKEY

*(Corresponding author: E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

Received: 27 July 2010; Revised: 16 September 2010; Accepted: 20 September 2010




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This study investigates the availability of Genetic Programming (GP) for modeling the ultimate shear capacity of composite beams with profiled steel sheeting for the first time in literature. Experimental data involving push-out test specimens of 46 composite beams from an existing database in the literature were used to develop GP model. The input parameters affecting the shear capacity were selected as stud position (strong and weak), sheeting type (width of rib of the profiled steel sheeting, depth of the rib), stud dimensions (height and diameter), slab dimensions (width, depth and height), reinforcement in the slab and concrete compression strength. Moreover, a short review of well-known building codes regarding ultimate shear capacity of composite beams is presented. The accuracy of the codes in predicting the ultimate shear capacity of composite beams was also compared with the proposed GP model with comparable way by using same test data. The study concludes that the proposed GP model predicts the ultimate shear capacity of composite beams by far more accurate than building codes.



Shear connection, composite beams, push-out tests, genetic programming


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