Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 427-439 (2015)
Baofeng Zheng1, Ganping Shu 1 and Xiaoming Shen 2
1School of Civil Engineering, Southeast University, No. 2 Sipailou, Nanjing, China, 210096
2ARTS Group Co., Ltd, Suzhou, China, 215020
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This paper describes a series of tests on austenitic stainless steel welded I-columns. Two stub column tests and seven long column tests were carried out. Geometric dimensions, local and overall imperfections of the columns were measured. Material properties of the columns were obtained from tensile coupon and stub column tests. The material enhancement due to the shear cutting in the fabrication of the columns was also measured. The effects of this material enhancement and the residual stresses caused in welding, on the flexural buckling strengths of columns were evaluated using finite element method. The strengths obtained from long column tests were compared with the strengths predicted by European design code (Eurocode3: Part 1.4) and American design code (SEI/ASCE-8-02). It is concluded that the column curve for welded I-column buckled in minor axis of European design code is more reliable in the strength predictions for welded I-columns buckled in major axis and columns buckled in minor axis.
Stainless steel, Welded I-column, Test, Design, Column curve
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