Advanced Steel Construction

Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 87-108(2006)




S. M. Zahurul Islam*, A. A. Abang-Abdullah, M. S. Jafar

Housing Research Centre, Department of Civil Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia

*(Corresponding author: E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)




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Profile steel shell structures are used popularly due to aesthetic and economical use of materials. The aim of this research work is to develop a self-supporting roofing element using profiled steel sheet such as zincalume, with potential for application in affordable quality housing. An analytical investigation using nonlinear finite element method is carried out on the structural strength and behaviour of different types of self-supporting roofing elements. An experimental study is conducted to validate the analytical investigation. Conventionally, profile steel sheet such as zincalume is using in roof as a covering materials using different types of internal support without any attention paid to their structural capability. Self-supporting of roofing system has significant advantages of removing the internal trussing and support. An attempt has been made to find out efficient, economic and aesthetically pleasing shape of shell elements to provide self- supporting roofing system on the basis of present results. The load–   deflection, stress- strain and deflected shape profiles for investigated roofing element is showed that parabolic roofing element having crown height 1/6 of chord length is more efficient than others. It is observed that the proposed roofing system has a great potential to be exploited for housing construction.



Structural performance, profiled steel sheet (zincalume), self-supporting, roofing element, semi-loof elements


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