Advanced Steel Construction

Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 128-136(2006)




Yu-Shu Liu* and Guo-Qiang Li

School of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China

*(Corresponding author: E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)




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The current design method of steel structures is based on the member reliability and cannot assure the structural system reliability. To overcome the shortcoming of the current method, the integrated structural design approach, with consideration of system reliability for planar steel frames, is studied in this paper. The reliability-based integrated design approach (RID) directly checks the structural system limit states, based on structural nonlinear analysis, and the corresponding system reliability. In this paper, the reliability-based integrated design approach for planar steel frames is established on the basis of evaluating the ultimate load-carrying capacity and system reliability of planar steel frames. In the process of constructing the design formula, the target reliability index and importance factor are determined according to the current specification and the two common load combinations are considered. Design examples and comparisons demonstrate that RID provides a feasible way for structural engineers to improve the design quality of steel frame structures with certain and consistent system reliability levels.



Reliability-based integrated design; Planar steel frames; Member reliability; System reliability; Target reliability index


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