Advanced Steel Construction

Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 185-198 (2006)



S. P. Chiew*, S. T. Lie, C. K. Lee and Y. YU

School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

*(Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Fax:+65-6792 1650)




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To strengthen deteriorated steel structures, bonding carbon fiber reinforced polymer laminate externally to the steel surface is a promising method. For CFRP-strengthened steel structures, the bond performance between CFRP laminate and steel is a crucial consideration, which will directly influence strengthening effect and determine the final capacity of the strengthened structures. To investigate the bond failure mechanism of CFRP-bonded steel structures, tests for different types of CFRP-steel adhesive joints have to be conducted first. Besides the experimental studies, finite element analyses for the different types of joints are carried out to study in detail the stress and strain distributions along the bondline. It is found that for all joints with different geometries and loading conditions, the most important factors that influence the final bond failure are their peel and in-plane shear stress/strain components. Based on the test results and the finite element analyses, a bond failure model id proposed. With this bond failure model, the failure loads for the different joints can be predicted reasonably well compared to the experimental measurements.



Carbon fiber reinforced polymer, adhesive joint and bond failure


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