Advanced Steel Construction

Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 275-285(2006)




G.T.Zhao1.2, Y.H.Li1, B.Li2, G.Xue2, Z.Han2 and F.B.Cao2

1Department of Civil Engineering, Shanghai University. Shanghai,200072, China

2School of Architecture& Civil Engineering, Inner Mongolia University of Science& Technology. Baotou, Inner Mongolia,014010, China




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An experimental study on the behavior of steel reinforced concrete columns and results of a nonlinear numerical analysis are presented. Eight slender steel reinforced concrete composite columns with rectangular section were tested under axial and eccentric loading conditions. Details of the experimental investigation including description of the test columns, testing arrangements, failure modes and mechanism, strain characteristics, load-deformation responses were put forward. Effects of various geometric and material parameters such as concrete strength, slenderness of columns and eccentricity of the applied axial load were studied. The load bearing capacity is reduced with increased slenderness ratio and eccentricity. Significant gains in load capacity are obtained with increased concrete strength for column subjected to axial load, but the capacity is not strongly influenced by the strength of concrete for column subjected to eccentric load. Then this paper presents a numerical method for the analysis of pin-ended slender columns, producing axial force or axial force combined with symmetrical single-curvature bending. This method is applicable for determining the material failure load or buckling failure load of a slender steel reinforced concrete composite column. In this method both material and geometric nonlinearities are taken into account. The results of numerical analysis by proposed method correlate well with the results of the tests.



Steel reinforced concrete, Slender column, Capacity, Test, Nonlinear analysis


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