Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 389-399(2006)
Zhan Wang*, Jixong Yuan, Jianrong Pan and Juan Chen
Department of Civil Engineering, ShanTou University, China
*(Corresponding author: E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Received: 25 July 2005; Revised: 15 May 2006; Accepted:16 May2006
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Since the 70th and 80th of the 20th century, in fields of steel structure and composite structure, thestudy on semirigid joints had obtained a lot of achievements, including the study of computing method and a greatdeal of connection database that were set up through experiments. However, in the field of CFST (concrete-filledsteel-tube), semirigid research obviously lagged behind. At present, more than twenty types ofbeam-to-CFSTcolumn joints have been applied in practice, and these joints are assumed as pinned or rigid in frame analysis. Weneed to attach importance to the rationality and the effect on frame analysis of these assumptions.
This paper focused on the study of restraining stiffness of stiffening ring joint and continuous web plateCFST frame. Firstly, the solid models of CFST joints were created and analyzed by using ANSYS. Secondly, 11one-third scale specimens of joints were made to process static experments, and then to verify the applicability of the finite element models with the experiment results. Finally, basing on the models, some factors, such as thedimensions of beam and column, were changed to confirm the influence on semirigid and M- models of the joints were created.
In the course if analysis,this program avoided carrying on a large number of tests.The analysis on each influencing factor was being finished by the finite element model. The M- curve model can be suitable for frame analysis.
concrete-filled steel-tube, semirigid joints
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