Advanced Steel Construction

Vol. 1, No. 1, pp.3-22 (2005)




Changbin Johand Wai-Fah Chen2

Korea Institute of Construction Technology (KICT), 2311 Daehwa-Dong, ilsan-Gu, Goyang-Si,

Gyeonggi-Do, 411-712 Korea.

Tel: 82-31-9100-332 Fax: 82-31-9100-121 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

College of Engineering, University of Hawaii at Manoa 2540 Dole Street, Holmes Hall 240,

Honolulu, HI 96822, USA.

Tel: (808)956-7727 Fax: (808)956-2291 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




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The effects of slab on the ductility of steel moment connections representing typical Japanese and USdetails are investigated based on an interpretation of existing composite connection tests and our own numericalanalyses. Different seismic behaviors between typical Japanese and US connections are also investigated. The resultsshow that the presence of slab: increases the beam strength, imposes a constraint near the beam top flange, and, as aconsequence, induces concentrated deformation near the beam bottom flange, which in turn reduces the ductility ofthe connection. The total deformation capacity of the connection depends not only on the beam but also on theconnecting column and panel zone. The detrimental slab effects and the relative strength between beams, column, andpanel zone should be considered in the seismic design of these connections.



Seismic Design, Concrete Slab, Local Ductility, Steel Moment Connection, Rupture Index, RelativeStrength


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