Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 78-95 (2017)
Bo Yang1,2, Shidong Nie1,2, Shao-Bo Kang1,2 Gang Xiong1,2,*, Ying Hu1,2
Jubo Bai1,2, Weifu Zhang1,2 and Guoxin Dai1,2
1 Key Laboratory of New Technology for Construction of Cities in Mountain Area (Chongqing University),
Ministry of Education, Chongqing 400045, China
2 School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045, China
*(Corresponding author: E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Received: 7 December2015; Revised: 13 April 2016; Accepted: 1 May 2016
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High-performance structural steel has attracted a lot of attention in the past decade and been widely used in many landmark building structures, such as the National Olympic Stadium, the new CCTV Headquarters, and the Canton Tower in China. However, their structural performance has not been fully studied yet. Among all parameters, residual stress is one of the most important mechanical imperfections, which can reduce the stability resistance of steel structures. This paper presents an experimental investigation on the residual stress in welded H-sections made of high-performance steel Q345GJ by using sectioning method. Besides, a simple yet accurate method was proposed for determining the residual stress of curved strips. Comparisons between residual stress profiles obtained by different methods suggested that the proposed method was in good agreement with other ones. Test results showed that the magnitudes of residual stress in welded Q345GJ H-sections was significantly different from that predicted by existing models. Finally, suggestions were made for welded Q345GJ steel H-sections in accordance with experimental results.
Q345GJ steel, Welded H-sections, Residual stress, Sectioning method, Curve correction, Straightening method
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