Advanced Steel Construction

Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 562-588(2018)





M. Zeynalian 1,*, A. Shelley 2 , H.R. Ronagh 3 and S. Hatami 4

1  Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Isfahan, Iran 

2  Graduated Student, School of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, Australia

3  Professor, Institute for Infrastructure Engineering, Western Sydney University, Sydney, Australia

4  Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Yasouj University, Iran

*(Corresponding author: E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

Received: 4 July 2017; Revised: 10 July 2017; Accepted: 19 October 2017




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An experimental study on the behavior of cold formed steel (CFS) strap bracing connections is presented in this paper. 75 cold-formed steel strap bracing connections were examined. The connections maximum load capacity and the load-deformation behavior as well as the failure modes of the connections are investigated. The strap bracing connections included 0.55mm and 0.75mm cold-formed G550 steel and four different types of steel strap material. The connections behaviors are discussed and the design capacities calculated from different CFS design standards are compared to the experimental results of the connections. The results show that generally the monotonic tested connections capacities are lower than the cyclic capacities. Also, it is found that although the design provisions predict some of the behaviours of screwed connections, they are not fully suited to accurately predicting the ultimate behaviour of the strap bracing connections. Therefore, the recommended capacities for the strap bracing connections are based on the experimental results.



Cold formed steel, strap bracing, connection, experimental study, screw


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