Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 530-552(2007)
R. Pucinotti
Professor, Department of Mechanic and Materials, University of Reggio Calabria, Italy
(Corresponding author: E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Received: 13 July 2005; Revised: 19 November 2006; Accepted: 24 November 2006
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In this paper, a simplified mechanical model of the joint with relative moment-rotation characteristics for use in analytical modelling of MRSF systems is presented. The experimental moment-rotation behaviour of full-scale connections is first considered followed by the development of a finite element model for them. The inelastic moment-rotation predictions of the finite element model are compared with available experimental data. Experimental results of full-scale connections are also compared with the mechanical model proposed by the Eurocode 3. Based on the results of this comparison, a simplified mechanical model of the connection is developed. This proposed simplified mechanical model still adopts the same "component method" approach of the Eurocode 3, but introduces a more refined criteria for the modelling of the unilateral contact between the cleat and the column flange, and a different expression for the evaluation of the joint capacity. An extensive parametric analysis is then conducted to assess the inelastic moment-rotation behaviour and the results are compared with finite element analyses and with available experimental data. The moment-rotation predictions of the simplified mechanical model are in good agreement with experimental tests and with finite element analyses. The simplified mechanical model also gives more consistent initial stiffness and nonlinear relative moment-rotation estimates if compared to the model proposed by the Eurocode 3. The results of the conducted analyses show that the simplified mechanical model gives results that are in reasonable agreement with experimental data and are more accurate than the results of the Eurocode 3-Annex J model.
Semi-rigid joints, steel structures, bolted connections, mechanical model, Eurocode 3, Annex J, finite element model, partial strength
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